幻想与现实界限模糊的未来世界,科技已经发展到远远超越时代的地步。电玩界女王爱丽拉·盖勒(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh饰)不仅美丽性感,更是一位设计尖端游戏的设计师。她所设计的虚拟实境系统“X接触”可以直接干扰玩家的神经系统。在试玩大会上,各方玩家齐聚一堂,体验爱丽拉的最新杰作。然而一群狂热者企图刺杀爱丽拉,危急时刻,爱丽拉被守卫泰德·皮库(裘德·洛 Jude Law饰)救走。为了躲避追杀,两人双双进入“X接触”的异次元世界,然而一切正在变得越来越虚幻。
Kafka's strained relationship with domineering father and intriguing affairs with Bauer, Jesenská and Diamant explored, along with meaningful camaraderie with Brod....
After his dog is killed in Skid Row, Jake Rosser (Aaron Eckhart) plummets deep into a sinister underworld to uncover the truth about who may be responsible....
A well-known Neapolitan writer returns to their hometown after a long absence and encounters an old friend known as Caracas. Caracas, once a neo-fascist skinhead, is now converting to Islam....